The Mitochondrial Medicine Society

Advancing education, research, and global collaboration in clinical mitochondrial medicine

The Mitochondrial and Metabolic Medicine (M3) journal was launched in June of 2018 .

The goal of the journal is to cover all aspects of mitochondrial metabolism and cellular metabolism including the normal metabolic processes and the breakdowns in primary and secondary mitochondrial and metabolic diseases and the treatment of these diseases. M3 will publish medical case report, editorial, commentary, hypothesis, short and full-length reviews, full-length clinical or basic science research articles and short articles of immediate scientific or clinical significance. The areas include but not limited to a case report, diagnostic and therapeutic approach and mechanisms at the molecular, genetic, metabolic and physiological levels underlying the metabolic diseases.

The overall aim is to publish high quality, high impact, and innovative research articles in all areas related to metabolic disorders including primary mitochondrial diseases as well as secondary mitochondrial diseases such as cancer, diabetes, neurological disorders and others.

More information can be found online at